Donnerstag, 5. April 2012

What's it like to be an Expat Kid???

As you know (I hope), i'm from Australia. It's actually not all thaaaaaaat hard, but in school german really isn't that easy. But for that, english is totally easy. if I think about it, it's pretty cool to be an expat kid!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Zoe. My name's Mandy and I'm a friend of your mum's from Sydney. I am a French teacher, and I studied French, German and Italian at school.

    I love watching mum's youtube videos and hearing you speak German. I think you are so, so clever as I found German really hard. All that grammar!!

    Great blog! My daughter's Leilani (13) and Kaiesha (9) and I will keep reading!


  2. Zoe,
    I am not an expat but I am American and Australian. It must be hard doing school in German as I find it hard to understand the German words on your blog. I take French at school but the teacher still speaks English. Otherwise, we would never do anything besides try to understand her.

